Join Our Team of Teachers

No qualifications requiredDid you know? You don't need qualifications in order to apply! 

Help by doing what you love

Make an impact on the future generations of Ghanaians at local schools in Ghana. Encourage and inspire children to focus on their education and better their lives.

By volunteering with us, you will teach at schools that are often under-staffed by assisting with:

  • English
  • Music
  • Math
  • Geography
  • Physical education

Boost your uni application

If you're applying to study becoming a teacher or Learning Assistant, volunteering with Help Me Learn Africa will significantly enhance your university applications by demonstrating practical engagement with the profession.

Volunteering as a teacher with us helps you develop essential skills that are relevant to the teaching profession, such as communication, adaptability, cultural sensitivity, leadership, and classroom management. These skills can strengthen your application and make you a more competitive candidate.

Travel and upgrade your CV

Of course, if you've already graduated and are looking for some adventure before starting your career, by signing up to volunteer with us you'll be able to travel, experience new cultures, get outside your comfort zone and improve your CV at the same time!

Join our Teaching Team