Wonder Sokpoli "Saparto"

Project Manager

Wonder Sokpoli, aka “Saparto”, has been part of the amazing Help Me Learn Africa (HMLA) team since 2018. Originally from a small town in the Volta region in Ghana called Keta, he moved to Ada after graduating from Junior High School seeking career opportunities.

At this time, he started working at Maranatha Beach Camp as a waiter and cultural dancer, whilst also attending college and eventually completing his diploma in business studies. Saparto speaks 4 different languages within Ghana and is fluent in English.

Saparto has been managing projects for HMLA since 2018, and works for the charity full time. He oversees projects based in Ghana and successfully managed building and teaching projects with groups of over 30 volunteers at a time.

His organisational skills mean that is in charge of running all project operations, risk assessments and safety. He’s a friendly and reliable point of contact who makes sure that all our volunteers are well looked after.

He has been quoted by past volunteers as:

‘Saparto has been the best thing about this trip’

Francis 2020

‘Helpmelearnafrica surely could not run without him, the charity means everything for him and he means everything for the charity’’ Louise 2019

‘Simply the best!nothing is ever a problem for him a very hard-working person always making you feel welcome’

Joelle 2021

‘A very helpful and caring man who is on top of everything and truly loves what he does'

Eliza 2021

‘An amazing person. Always a smile on his face and there to hep you no matter what what, even if its to take you shopping before your flight lol’ Gianne 2019

'Saparto is such a great guy! Hard working, fun, supportive and truly passionate about helpmelearnafrica and the kids’

Kayley 2021